

By: Nwachukwu Ngozi Dora -LL.B Hons Abuja, Nigeria        Self improvement, personal growth, striving to be the best version of yourself everyday, is the best kind of improvement in my opinion.   I am going to get a little personal here and hopefully I'll make it short. Lol        I use to suffer from depression. This was caused by series of events that I passed through in life and because I refused to talk about any of it, it blew up in my face one day. I felt so defeated and I stopped trying. I basically decided to just wallow in self pity and I wanted to be left alone. One day, I got tired of being sad because come onnnnn, being depressed can be so exhausting. I realized that no one was going to help me (mostly because I didn't let them) and so I had to help myself. So I turned to the one thing that wouldn't ask me to speak, explain myself or even laugh at me when I voice out my fears; BOOKS.    ...

Be Relevant

Imagine a society occupied with people of like minds. A society where everyone knows and understand the importance of being their brothers keeper or Neighbour's watchman. A society where individuals look out for the needs of others and meet them rather than laugh / gossip about it. A society where everyone understands in the words of  St. Augustine  that  "impunity against one is impunity against all. " How beautiful life would be if such a society exist. Some years back, precisely in 2008-2009 when the world was hit by global recession which was seen by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the worst of the four postwar recessions to have hit the world both in terms of the number of countries affected as well as in the decline of real World GDP per capita, it took the efforts of several Finance ministers as well as economic experts who were not necessarily members of the IMF to profer solutions with a view to save the globe from entering into a stage of global s...


For some people this is the hardest thing you can ever ask them to  do - LET  GO .  It  is even much easier for them to climb a 6ft mountain in a stormy weather than to simply just LET  GO. A lot of us have justifiable reasons why we should hold on to that grudge, pain, hurt, bitterness but the truth is ,  it never pays.  Rather, it  creates so much darkness, bitterness, and unhappiness in our lives.  You have to LET GO  of past  hurts and pains.  Until we learn the art of “LETTING GO’”  w e w ould never live a happy uncluttered  life.  Even  research has proven that those who know how to LET  GO live  a   longer and more fulfilled life  than those who do otherwise . Let  me take you through a journey of imagination or reflection as the case may be for you. Assuming ,  you were in a relationship where you cared so much for your partner .   In  fact ...


Looking up the word "Compromise" in my dictionary,  I realised it has different meanings from that I know of. However,  compromise in everyday language is: foregoing one thing for another in order to reach an agreement.  Usually the issue of compromise would come up whenever we find ourselves disagreeing with a person. In our day to day interaction with others, in our lives and in our relationships the issue of compromise is very key.  Now compromise could involve giving up that space in your wardrobe for your sister just so the room isn't cramped up; or giving up that job just so you can be closer to your spouse; or even keeping quiet during an argument even when you know you're right just for peace sake.  Truth is life is all about compromise; frankly that's one way we can maintain healthy and peaceful relationships with one another. As long as we are unwilling to forgo whatever it is, there will always be that strain between us and the other per...

Take Responsibility

Often times we hear people complain of failing to accomplish a task as a result of the failure of another to assist them in accomplishing a certain task. For some individuals, you hear statements like "if my dad was alive, I would have been living a comfortable life." The truth is, these are excuses made by folks who have tied their life to the assistance of another. Such kills a man's vision/dreams. As a young child, I remember always fighting for my elder sister. I just couldn't stand the sight of a guy harassing her. Despite our often disagreements, I stood up for her at every point. However, the act changed when she decided to do it herself in my absence. Guess what; she triumphed! Well, she didn't beat the guy though (her opposition) but she wasn't beaten either. At least this time, she comfortably stood her ground. The point is, sometimes, we've got to act like no one else can get the victory for us save ourselves. I lost my dad in my second ...