By: Nwachukwu Ngozi Dora -LL.B Hons Abuja, Nigeria Self improvement, personal growth, striving to be the best version of yourself everyday, is the best kind of improvement in my opinion. I am going to get a little personal here and hopefully I'll make it short. Lol I use to suffer from depression. This was caused by series of events that I passed through in life and because I refused to talk about any of it, it blew up in my face one day. I felt so defeated and I stopped trying. I basically decided to just wallow in self pity and I wanted to be left alone. One day, I got tired of being sad because come onnnnn, being depressed can be so exhausting. I realized that no one was going to help me (mostly because I didn't let them) and so I had to help myself. So I turned to the one thing that wouldn't ask me to speak, explain myself or even laugh at me when I voice out my fears; BOOKS. ...