Take Responsibility

Often times we hear people complain of failing to accomplish a task as a result of the failure of another to assist them in accomplishing a certain task. For some individuals, you hear statements like "if my dad was alive, I would have been living a comfortable life." The truth is, these are excuses made by folks who have tied their life to the assistance of another. Such kills a man's vision/dreams.

As a young child, I remember always fighting for my elder sister. I just couldn't stand the sight of a guy harassing her. Despite our often disagreements, I stood up for her at every point. However, the act changed when she decided to do it herself in my absence. Guess what; she triumphed! Well, she didn't beat the guy though (her opposition) but she wasn't beaten either. At least this time, she comfortably stood her ground. The point is, sometimes, we've got to act like no one else can get the victory for us save ourselves.

I lost my dad in my second year in the University and didn't know some course mates of mine had said I won't be able to cope. Their reason? They said I depended solely on my dad. Well, they were wrong! I trusted my parents to meet my welfare needs but not to the point of counting on them to meet all.

I grew up knowing that not every request can be met or should be met. If all requests were met, then the world wouldn't be any good. Let's face it; who's comfortable driving another man? Who's comfortable pushing a wheelbarrow? Who's comfortable leaving the house every morning before the cock crows and get back when the light is out? Who's comfortable staying in the sun just controlling traffic? Let's face it; we all need a comfortable and stress-free life.

The question is, what's the cost of making life meaningful?

Well, the answer certainly would be different from the well known one. It's simply for us to "Take Responsibility". Like seriously? YES!

"Anything that is worth having is worth fighting for and worth working hard for" - T.D Jakes

Let's face it, what would you do if the peace of this world is dependent on you? What would you do if the safety of your family members are in your hands? What would you do if the lifespan of your loved ones is at your mercy? Would you hand it over to someone else?
Certainly not!
I therefore challenge you to take responsibility for your desire to succeed and if your plan fails, it's not any different; take responsibility again and work out a more strategic plan.

It's high time we stopped counting on others to make us happy. Stop looking for light. Be the light. Stop looking for someone to make you happy. Be the joy you want and need. Be in charge of your mood that way you control what becomes of your emotion. One key reason of failed relationship is failure of either parties to meet with the emotional desire of the other. The truth is we first owe ourselves the task of making ourselves happy before we expect same from someone else.

 Be smart! Take Responsibility!

Written by:
Collins Aigbogun I. (LL.B Hons)
Instagram: @midasboss
Lagos, Nigeria


  1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  2. This is quite inspiring sir, thanks so much. This writeup took me to my quote that says" leadership is Responsibility. Until YOU see yourself as a leader You will continue to depend on other" @officialdesmondolumide

    1. Very True my friend. Leadership for me is simply about "responding to responsibilities". Let's make the world a better place for everyone. Thanks for reading.

  3. This is so inspiring

  4. nothing could be more deep than the ocean of truth you made you swan through. thanks

    1. It's indeed an honour to be able to reach out to people and pleased it meet its aim. Thanks and ensure you indeed "Take Responsibility".


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